...chasing after girls' asses.
Take it easy.
Of course, you're tired.
You touched girls' asses all night
so how'd you expect not to be.
l never did such a thing.
l only sang a few songs and left.
They dragged me to that bar
so l had a couple of beers.
Do you need a witness?
You think it's easy to
keep secrets around here?
l can't believe this.
You're old enough to have a grandson.
Shame on you!
l wish l had something
to be ashamed of!
Did you go out last night?
You never bring
me to those places.
l'm the one that needs to go.
Just wait till l sign
that publishing contract.
Not again...
You're all talk...
-Want it shorter?
-Yeah, a little.
She's a real beauty.
-What are you talking about?
-That man's wife.
She sure was.
What about the
woman next door?
She was nothing
compared to his wife.
Then why did he do it?
What's so bad about her?
That's why he was crazy.
He killed his wife, ran off
with the woman next door,
and left his son in the fire.
But he didn't burn his place.
l heard the stove caused the fire.
lt happened because
he left his son alone.
l heard a baby crying in
that apartment for a few days.
So l thought it was strange.
To think of it nowadays,
that fire was a blessing.