CARMEN: Hurry up!
He's coming ! He's coming !
JUNI: Good-bye, Uncle Machete!
CARMEN: Thanks for the plane!
OK, so here's the new plan.
We get to the castle,
rescue Mom and Dad...
then somehow stop Floop...
from using the brain
on the robots...
before they're sent out
to dominate the world.
- Think we can do that?
- How hard could it be?
[Alarms sounding]
I didn't do anything.
OK. Airspeed--fine.
CARMEN: Autopilot...failing?
Oh, great.
Another fine Machete product.
Take control.
We have to go to manual.
CARMEN: You were supposed
to read all the instructions!
You skipped a chapter, meathead.
Better stop calling me names.
Pull up, booger breath !
Stop it or I'll call you names.
CARMEN: Go ahead.
You got nothin' on me, warthog.
Try me...diaper lady.
Hope you're wearing one now.
- How long have you known?
- Since forever.
Mom made me swear
not to mention it.
So now we're even !
CARMEN: Oh, now you've done it!
I knew this was gonna happen !
We're gonna crash
if you don't do something !
CARMEN: You did that
on purpose, you kamikaze!
JUNI: But now it's balanced!
Landing gear.