Take control.
We have to go to manual.
CARMEN: You were supposed
to read all the instructions!
You skipped a chapter, meathead.
Better stop calling me names.
Pull up, booger breath !
Stop it or I'll call you names.
CARMEN: Go ahead.
You got nothin' on me, warthog.
Try me...diaper lady.
Hope you're wearing one now.
- How long have you known?
- Since forever.
Mom made me swear
not to mention it.
So now we're even !
CARMEN: Oh, now you've done it!
I knew this was gonna happen !
We're gonna crash
if you don't do something !
CARMEN: You did that
on purpose, you kamikaze!
JUNI: But now it's balanced!
Landing gear.
No landing gear.
We're gonna crash !
Nope. We're gonna drop.
Get your regulator ready.
Com systems check.
Can you hear me?
Let's try that cave over there.
The water's warmer in here.
JUNI: Oh, I just peed.
- Ecch.
- Sorry.