. . .he realized he'd found
the subject for his first film.
Day of the Fight was Stanley's
first effort at filmmaking.
I was his assistant on that. . .
. . .and I'm very proud of the fact
that I operated the second camera. . .
. . .during the final fight sequence,
which is a real fight.
And we were alternating
with each other:
I was shooting when he was loading.
I got the knockdown
because Stanley was loading.
He's done it.
He's KO'd Bobby Jane.
This is a fighter, Walter Cartier.
He's just moved up one more place...
...in a line that may end
with the championship.
Following Day of the Fight,
Kubrick quit his job at Look...
. . .and devoted himself
to making films.
He moved to Greenwich Village
and supported himself. . .
. . .by making short documentaries,
hustling chess in Washington Square. . .
. . .and playing tournaments for money
that wouldn't be enough. . .
. . .to fund an entire film.
In 1 953, Kubrick's father cashed in
his life insurance. . .
. . .to help his son make
Fear and Desire...
. . .a film about a fictitious war.
It was Kubrick's first feature.
-She'll see us.
-Shut up.
He was absolutely
and totally involved. . .
. . .in the making of this movie.
He knew nothing about acting.
I probably didn't know much more.
He was not a bohemian.
He was not an avant-garde,
Left Bank figure.