. . .and playing tournaments for money
that wouldn't be enough. . .
. . .to fund an entire film.
In 1 953, Kubrick's father cashed in
his life insurance. . .
. . .to help his son make
Fear and Desire...
. . .a film about a fictitious war.
It was Kubrick's first feature.
-She'll see us.
-Shut up.
He was absolutely
and totally involved. . .
. . .in the making of this movie.
He knew nothing about acting.
I probably didn't know much more.
He was not a bohemian.
He was not an avant-garde,
Left Bank figure.
He was a kid from the Bronx
who was smart.
I don't think he had much education.
He was a very good chess player.
The intensity impressed me.
I thought he had a vision
of someplace he was going.
Fear and Desire was a youthful
apprentice exercise.
Kubrick would later withdraw the film
from circulation.
It got him noticed and helped to get
financial backing for his next feature.
Killer's Kiss revealed Kubrick's
extraordinary ability. . .
. . .to play with light.
Stanley was making his second film. . .
. . .and I wanted very much
to be the still photographer.
I also wanted to see somebody
discovering and learning.
I knew I'd be seeing that.