Harmony is to be valued.Shotoku Taishi (574-622 AD)
But, if all the trees die...what will happen to the earth?
We're all part of the earth's ecosphere.
Plants provide the oxygento keep it going.
Eons ago, the earth was coveredwith carbon dioxide atoms.
Phytoplanktons started convertingthese to oxygen...
...Which gave rise to thefirst Zooplanktons.
Plants have purified the airfor over 800 million years.
Their oxygen eventually createdthe ozone layer.
Over 800 million years.
The ozone layer blockedharmful rays from the sun...
...allowing life to migrate fromthe seas to the land.
Without plants,We simply couldn't survive.
Plants are really thedominant life forms.
They stand still while we animalsrun around scattering their seeds...
...and providing fertilizer.