I wonder
Why Lord Piren is
coming down to Ayothaya
for what purpose?
- Dum.
- Yes, Your Highness.
From now on,
you must keep an eye
on Lord Pitsanulok.
Like a tiger eyeing his prey.
If there is anything suspicious,
- to inform me or Sir Han.
- Yes, Your Highness.
This plan will succeed
only if we can assassinate
Lord Worawongsa
and Srisudachan right away.
You must not underestimate
that regent Chan.
The knight of the unholy throne.
If you cut the roots,
the tree will die.
When they are gone,
where will Second King Chan
be able to hide?
I'm not an enemy.
I'm here to join your
fight against injustice.
But you are a royal guard.
Are you thinking of spying on us?
If I had meant you any harm
would I have come alone?
I am ready to fight and sacrifice
my life for the realm.
But, I have only one doubt.
What do you doubt?
If we eliminate Lord Worawongsa
to whom would you
offer the throne?
Sir Sriyod, Captain Raj Saneha
Wait for me in front of the chapel.
- Do not let anyone inside.
- Yes, Sir.
I am a monk.
I should not deal
with worldly matters.
If our plan is successful