But you are a royal guard.
Are you thinking of spying on us?
If I had meant you any harm
would I have come alone?
I am ready to fight and sacrifice
my life for the realm.
But, I have only one doubt.
What do you doubt?
If we eliminate Lord Worawongsa
to whom would you
offer the throne?
Sir Sriyod, Captain Raj Saneha
Wait for me in front of the chapel.
- Do not let anyone inside.
- Yes, Sir.
I am a monk.
I should not deal
with worldly matters.
If our plan is successful
...the kingdom will be without a king.
You are the only one
who is entitled to rule the kingdom.
It we succeed
and the kingdom still
is without a king.
The people will suffer anyway.
This is similar to the Lord Buddha
having to defeat mara.
If I refuse,
it will be as if I have no feelings
for the people
and I would let them suffer.
Therefore, I will accept
your request to rule the realm.
May the secured beings of Ayothaya
give you blessings to succeed
and subdue the enemies
restore glory to religion.
And peace throughout the kingdom.
In 1548, Saturday, the sixth day of the
waxing moon of the ninth lunar month.