- Dad...
- See this tentacle?
lt's actually shorter
than all my other tentacles...
but you can't really tell.
Especially when
l twirl them like this.
l'm H-2-O intolerant.
- Ah-choo!
- l'm obnoxious.
Let's name the zones,
the zones, the zones
Let's name
the zones of the open sea
KlDS: Mr. Ray!
- Come on, Nemo.
- You better stay with me.
Mesopelagic, bathyal,
All the rest are too deep
for you and me to see
Huh. l wonder where
my class has gone?
ALL: We're under here!
Oh, there you are.
Climb aboard, explorers.
Oh, knowledge
ls, oh, so lyrical
When you think thoughts
that are empirical
Dad, you can go now.
- Hello. Who is this?
- l'm Nemo.
Nemo, all new explorers
must answer a science question.
- OK.
- You live in what kind of home?
An anemon-none.
A nemenem-menome.
OK, don't hurt yourself.
Welcome aboard, explorers.
Just so you know,
he's got a little fin.
l find if he's having
trouble swimming...
l let him take a break,
10, 15 minutes.
NEMO: Dad, it's time
for you to go now.
Don't worry. We're gonna
stay together as a group.
OK, class,
optical orbits up front.
And remember, we keep
our supraesophogeal ganglion...
to ourselves.
That means you, Jimmy.
JlMMY: Aw, man!
JlMMY: Aw, man!
Bye, Nemo!
Bye, Dad!
Bye, son!
Be safe.
You're doing pretty well
for a first-timer.
You can't hold on to them
forever, can you?
l had a tough time with
my oldest out at the drop off.
They got to grow up...
The drop off?
They're going to the drop off?
What are you, insane?
Why don't we fry them up now
and serve them with chips?
Hey, Marty, calm down.
Don't tell me
to be calm, pony boy.
Pony boy?
For a clownfish,
he really isn't that funny.