You really clocked me there.
Am l bleeding?
- Ohh.
- Ow, ow, ow.
Dory, are you OK... Ohh.
Ohh, that's good.
Ohh, that's good.
BOTH: lntervention!
- Just a bite.
- Hold it together, mate!
Remember, Bruce,
fish are friends, not food!
- Food!
- Dory, look out!
- Food!
- Dory, look out!
- Aah!
- l'm having fish tonight!
Remember the steps, mate!
MARLlN: Aah!
- Aah! Whoa!
- Aah!
- Just one bite!
- Aah!
G'day. Grr!
There's no way out!
There's got to be a way
to escape!
Who is it?
Dory, help me
find a way out!
Sorry. Come back later.
We're trying to escape.
- There's got to be a way out!
- Here's something.
l wonder what that means.
Funny. lt's spelled
just like "escape."
- Let's go.
- Aah!
Here's Brucey!
Wait a minute.
You can read?
l can read?
That's right. l can read!
Well, then, here.
Read this now.
- Aah!
- Ohh!
He really doesn't mean it.
He never even knew his father.
Don't fall off the wagon!
- Aah!
- Aah!
Oh, no, it's blocked!
No, Bruce, focus.
Sorry about Bruce, mate.
He's really a nice guy.
l need to get that mask.
You want that mask? OK.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Quick, grab the mask!
Oh, no. Bruce?
[Sniffs] What?
[Dramatic music playing]
Swim away! Swim away!
Aw, is the party over?
[Dink, boom]