The Lost World

What's happening, Agnes?
He says tomorrow the apemen
will be killed in front of the whole tribe.

They carry an evil spirit.
- Did you find any gold on the plateau?
- Please!

This one is to be slaughtered
in Lord Roxton's honour.

Was there evidence of mineral resources?
Tell them it's very hospitable,
but not to trouble themselves on my account.

(WHISPERS) Shut up!
No one will be killed. No one!
Make that absolutely clear, Agnes.

Come on, sweetie...
Taste the bacon.
He says they must die.
Letting them live would bring disaster.

- I forbid it!
- I'm not sure we should interfere.

- Did you find Lord Roxton handsome?
- How much time did you spend together?

These creatures are unique, a clear
missing link between animal and human,

Please remain calm!
Ladies and gentlemen, please!
evolution made flesh.
We must get the chance to study them.

- But then what?
- We return them to their own environment.

The killing MUST stop. Is that clear?
This is what it will be like. What chance
will they have if we say where the plateau is?

Padre Mendoz has spoken.
- They'll be freaks in a sideshow.
- It's beyond our control.

Not yet it isn't, Professor.
They'll destroy everything.

- You've humiliated the son of the chief.
- Isn't it better than watch him kill it?

You're going to be
the most famous creature in the world.

You can't just change a whole way of life.
Please come back!
Perhaps not,
but I CAN save these unfortunates.

Professor, you must listen!
For now, possibly.
You idiot!
Get out of my way!
(MAN) We have the finest animal handlers
ready to set sail.

You may think me heartless, Agnes, but I...
...see no point in being sentimental.
- Rather a good trick, don't you think?
- Well done, Professor.

If we weren't here, these... er, things,
whatever they are, would be dead by now.
