The Lost World

The killing MUST stop. Is that clear?
This is what it will be like. What chance
will they have if we say where the plateau is?

Padre Mendoz has spoken.
- They'll be freaks in a sideshow.
- It's beyond our control.

Not yet it isn't, Professor.
They'll destroy everything.

- You've humiliated the son of the chief.
- Isn't it better than watch him kill it?

You're going to be
the most famous creature in the world.

You can't just change a whole way of life.
Please come back!
Perhaps not,
but I CAN save these unfortunates.

Professor, you must listen!
For now, possibly.
You idiot!
Get out of my way!
(MAN) We have the finest animal handlers
ready to set sail.

You may think me heartless, Agnes, but I...
...see no point in being sentimental.
- Rather a good trick, don't you think?
- Well done, Professor.

If we weren't here, these... er, things,
whatever they are, would be dead by now.

- I never thought we'd fool them.
- An Amazonian vulture cleverly made up...

But we ARE here.
I assure you THAT was no vulture!
I don't think they would thank you
for your compassion.

- Are you both mad?
- Unless we stop this, the plateau is doomed.

They won't survive contact
with the outside world.

All these animals you hunt...
Do you never feel pity for them?

- You can't stop progress!
- This is what you call progress?

No. No more than they would for me.
Remember what happened when
we interfered before? Roxton was right.

But animals have no morality, only instinct.
You are a human being. You have a choice.

We brought disaster to them.
How much worse will it be this time?

Forgive me, but perhaps
you don't understand the cruelty of nature.

He's right, George.
Perhaps not.
But I am beginning
to understand you, Lord Roxton.

I can't do this. I can't!
This is my chance to go down in history,
shoulder to shoulder
with Galileo, Newton, Pasteur.

I'll be one of the great men of science.
No! I'm sorry, I won't do it.

- I think you've hurt his feelings.
- I doubt it.

Ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you...

He's behaving in the only way he knows.
