the story he told
changed my life.
Tropillo's Son's Voice]
The night before
the nobleman's arrival,
the assistant could not sleep,
his heart in aching pain.
Shouting In Spanish
Theday was upon him when
the gunsmith would present...
his gift to the nobleman
and his son.
The nobleman's son was
a notoriously vicious soldier,
worldly and wicked.
For him, his father demanded
something more beautiful,
more perfect than he'd ever
laid eye son before.
But nothing, no words or description
could have given justice to it...
or have prepared him
for that gun's flawless grace.
When the nobleman's son
saw his intended bride-to-be,
it was love at firstsight.
The nobleman's son took
the mighty weapon in to his hands.
A perfect fit.
lt did no work.
The nobleman took it
as a bad omen.
The curse had rendered it
useless in unworthy hands.
The gunsmith urged him
to try it one last time,
and so he did.
The nobleman was insulted
by the ineptness,
angry with the poor gunsmith.
They argued.