When the nobleman's son
saw his intended bride-to-be,
it was love at firstsight.
The nobleman's son took
the mighty weapon in to his hands.
A perfect fit.
lt did no work.
The nobleman took it
as a bad omen.
The curse had rendered it
useless in unworthy hands.
The gunsmith urged him
to try it one last time,
and so he did.
The nobleman was insulted
by the ineptness,
angry with the poor gunsmith.
They argued.
When the nobleman's son
realized that her heart belonged
to the poor, simple assistant,
a man farless than he,
he was furious in anger.
He could not have that.
The assistant, realizing that
even if the gun should work,
she would certainly die next,
begged his love to withdraw
and accept their fate.
No Audible Dialogue