Yes. He'sjust trying
to make you overconfident.
He's much better with a sword.
Please understand,
if I'm not fighting--
Ah. Better with a sword.
Yes. We can all see
how much better with a sword.
Too petrified to move.
I do not wish
to fight a Musketeer.
Oh, I'm certain you don't.
I would not fight
a drunken Musketeer...
so I'm unfit
to drink with?
Athos was...
testing you.
Testing me?
Yes.Judging you.
Measuring you.
That isnot a happy walk,
The Musketeers are suspended
and they are drunk.
The Cardinal has arranged it...
so that no one
will be protecting the King,
and the Queen and Buckingham...
at the banquet tomorrow night.
Something is going to happen.
I know it. I have to find
a way into the palace.
The King must be protected.
I can't do it alone.
[Clicks Tongue]
Ask the Musketeers.
They don'tseem
Theyare loyal.
Ask them.