so that no one
will be protecting the King,
and the Queen and Buckingham...
at the banquet tomorrow night.
Something is going to happen.
I know it. I have to find
a way into the palace.
The King must be protected.
I can't do it alone.
[Clicks Tongue]
Ask the Musketeers.
They don'tseem
Theyare loyal.
Ask them.
- This is not what you think.
- You have no idea what I think.
I-I-I wish to explain.
You behave as though
you've never seen
a naked woman.
[ Nervous Chuckle ]
Never one quite so... naked.
Or so, uh, beautiful.
- You've seen many
ugly naked women?
- That's not what I meant.
-Areyoustanding up?
- You can turn aroundnow.
[ Yells ]
My back. Are there,
uh, any on my back?
A few.
You're not very brave.
Brave enough when need be.
And you feel no need to be
when insects are involved?