The Musketeer

- This is not what you think.
- You have no idea what I think.

I-I-I wish to explain.
You behave as though
you've never seen
a naked woman.

[ Nervous Chuckle ]
Never one quite so... naked.

Or so, uh, beautiful.
- You've seen many
ugly naked women?
- That's not what I meant.

-Areyoustanding up?
- You can turn aroundnow.

[ Yells ]
My back. Are there,
uh, any on my back?
A few.

You're not very brave.
Brave enough when need be.

And you feel no need to be
when insects are involved?

- [Man Yells]
- I was up there chasing away a rat.

A sewer rat.

If I tell the Queen, you'll be back
cleaning the palace sewers!

How is it you have--
How is it someone like me
has the ear ofthe Queen?

My mother came from Spain
with the Queen.

She was her seamstress. Perhaps more.
Perhaps her confidante.

And since I was a little girl,
since my mother died,

the Queen has always
been kind to me.

She is a kind woman at a time
when kindness is ignored.
Or worse, mistaken for weakness.

But it will not always be so,
will it, D'Artagnan?

Not with those who matter.
You got no right to--
Shut up!

You cleaned the palace sewers?
That must be fascinating work.
