[ Chattering ]
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
Mister. Wine, please.
Nice sword.
Thankyou, Mademoiselle.
Is it a long sword
or a short sword?
Well, long enough.
Do you keep
your sword polished?
Uh, when there's time.
And do you do it yourself
or do you have help?
Mm, myself. I, uh, won't
trust my sword to anyone else.
[ Chuckles ]
Come on, you make bread
like a butcher.
Hurry! Hurry!
I wanted to be the butcher.
What now?
Add the salt.
[ Shouting ]
Hey, you!
Hurry with these two.
[ Quacking ]
[ Shouting ]
What do luse forducks?
The smaller one.
Shoo! Shoo!
Fly away!
You can thank me later.