The Musketeer

Mm, myself. I, uh, won't
trust my sword to anyone else.

[ Chuckles ]
Come on, you make bread
like a butcher.
Hurry! Hurry!

I wanted to be the butcher.
What now?
Add the salt.

[ Shouting ]
Hey, you!
Hurry with these two.

[ Quacking ]
[ Shouting ]
What do luse forducks?
The smaller one.

Shoo! Shoo!
Fly away!

You can thank me later.

This wine is rejuvenating.
Don't get too rejuvenated.

It's begun.
[ Shouting ]
[ Screaming ]
Stop! Stop! Stop!
I orderyou to stop!
Where are your guards?
Like your respect and power,
they have been overrun.

- We will lead you out.
- Who are you?

Your Musketeers.
- Then you should be arrested!
- Might that wait until
we're safely out of here?
