The Princess Diaries

"What's in a name?
"That which we call a rose
by any other word...

"would smell as sweet."
And so you wave to them...
and acknowledge them

No. Not quite so big,
because, of course...

it's very, very exhausting
after a while.

Very funny, dear.
Try it properly.

even more gently--

You say, "Thank you
for being here today."

- Thank you.
- For being here.

JOE: I'm sorry, ma'am.
I must pick up
the prime minister.

Excuse me.
BOTH: Well, thank you
for being here today.

So this is considered art?

HELEN: My parents did this
in the Sixties.

Yes! They had an exhibition
at Woodstock.

And I guess you're trying
to bring it back?

Well, this beats homework.

Yeah. Some moms help
their kids with homework...

we do this.
Oh, nice shot!
Oh, yes, I like it.
[ Laughing ]
- Yeah!
- I did it!

I love life,
life loves me

Everything in the world
This is more fun
than princess lessons.

[ Dripping ]
MICHAEL: What are you doing
this Saturday night?

Are you guys playing?
We're rehearsing
some new things.

We got two new songs.
Oh, yeah?
Plus, surprise, we got
the new parts for your 'Stang.

Oh, yay.
We could put it together

OK. Is this like a date?
- No.
- [ Giggles ]

Music, cars.
- Would it include pizza?
- Pizza's a given.

MIA: With M&Ms?
Wait up! Wait for me!
Not you!
I don't even know you!

- Well, then, I am in.
- Great!

LILLY: Hi! Whoo-hoo!
Saturday, it's on?
Yeah. Great. Hey, Lil.
- Hi.
- What's up?

- What's happening?
- I don't know.

[ Loud chatter ]
MIA: What's going on?
- Maybe it's a protest.
- Maybe.
