The Princess Diaries

"I pass it on to you as
my father passed it on to me.

"Amelia, courage is not
the absence of fear...

"but rather the judgement...
"that something else
is more important than fear.

"The brave
may not live forever...

"but the cautious
do not live at all.

"From now on,
you'll be traveling the road...

who you think you are...

"and who you can be.
"The key is to allow yourself
to make the journey.

"I also want you to know...
"I loved your mother
very much...

"and still think of her often.
"Happy birthday, my Mia.
"All my love, your father. "
NELSON: And there's
Countess Puck of Austria...

as the glamorous
continue to arrive...

at the Genovian
Independence Ball.

Despite the threat of rain...
the big turnout includes
the mayor of San Francisco...

and a Genovian pear juggler.
The future of Genovia...
is in the hands of
young Mia Thermopolis.

Her decision tonight will
affect the queen, the court...

and all the people of
this small but proud country.

[ Thunder ]
Do you think
it's gonna rain on us?

It never comes down
on Willie Brown.

Ha ha! Thank you.
Umbrellas up!
[ Thunder ]
CHARLOTTE: And that's enough
pear juggling.

The trip is off, Louie.
[ Meow ]
[ Thunder ]
Oh! Perfect.
Oh, come on.
Come on, baby.
