Jack is...
Jack is all right now.
You all know...
we are only passing by.
We walk over these stones
a few times.
Our boats...
sail for a little while
on the waves
and then they have to sink.
Jack knew that
better than anyone.
Right, Jack?
Yes, boy.
(others screaming)
(screaming continues)
He's awake!
Get a doctor!
Oh, Jack... oh, Jack...
Oh, Jack...
No, no...
Come here, son.
I beat the curse.
The fishing license is yours.
(siren chirps)
Sweetheart, you ready?
I want to have a wake for Petal.
Why didn't we have
a wake?
Why didn't we wake her up?
It worked forhim.
Honey, Mr. Buggit
wasn't really...
It's more like
he was in a coma.
From the cold water.
It's like he
was sleeping.
Petal was asleep.
No, honey...
You said she was asleep
with the angels.
I know. Honey, I know
what I said, honey.
You said! You said!
I know, but she's
not sleeping.
You said! You said!
Honey, honey, listen to me.
You said!
I know what I said.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
I just... I was too scared
to tell you the truth.