How about I take all that?
Now what's up, player?
I don't need to see
that tape no more.
- You can't do that.
- Back off!
After work,
I don't have much time.
I know what you mean.
- Last time, leave me alone!
- Come back!
So what do you do?
- Listen.
- Don't you touch me.
What do I do?
Yeah, what kind of work
are you in?
You know what?
Can you excuse me one minute?
You fucked the tape up
with the screwdriver.
I don't sell defective shit.
You sold me
a cassette with a crooked cover,
and Puffy got two F's in it.
It only had one!
Whoa, whoa... hold up.
Take that shit off the line.
These people have a lot
going on around here.
But you're so helpful.
They might as well
put you on payroll.
You gotjokes, huh?
Naw, I'm cool with the job
I'm at now.
And what do you do again?
I sell insurance.
Hey, whatever
pays the rent, right?
So... anyway...
I got to get
back to work and...
looks like your truck
is ready.
Where's your car?
It's getting detailed,
so it's probably gonna take a minute.
But, uh... would I be doing too much
if I asked for your number?
- I guess that would be okay.
- All right.
- I'll give you a call, all right?
- All right.
- All right, now.
- Bye.
So it's cool for you to bust
a bitch on the job, huh, boss?