But you're so helpful.
They might as well
put you on payroll.
You gotjokes, huh?
Naw, I'm cool with the job
I'm at now.
And what do you do again?
I sell insurance.
Hey, whatever
pays the rent, right?
So... anyway...
I got to get
back to work and...
looks like your truck
is ready.
Where's your car?
It's getting detailed,
so it's probably gonna take a minute.
But, uh... would I be doing too much
if I asked for your number?
- I guess that would be okay.
- All right.
- I'll give you a call, all right?
- All right.
- All right, now.
- Bye.
So it's cool for you to bust
a bitch on the job, huh, boss?
Man, get your ass
back to work.
Fuck this shit, bitch.
House nigga.
Get up off of me.
Trying to be cool and stuff.
My bad, dog.
Hey, excuse me,
but you're blocking my entrance,
and my customers
can't get in and out, so...
- y'alI have to move.
- You better raise up, fool.
Whoa! It's cool.
Y'all do your thing.
Hit that shit, nigga!
Hit that shit!