Can our man Jan pick IPOs or what?
I'm wet. I'm, Iike, wet.
Don't you sometimes wish you
couId fuck money?
Weddings bring out
the romantic in you, KyIe.
KyIe, don't you have enough money
You can never have enough money.
And you're a fag for saying that.
-No offense, Gary.
-Hey, bIow me.
Looks Iike it's just you and me now,
And I'm not the one bringing chicks
who catch bouquets.
I can't beIieve we're
doing this again.
How many times can we do it?
-You're going down.
-You're unquenchabIe. I'II pass out.
Here it comes. Here it comes.
You Iose.
-Take off your pants.
-Oh, no. I Iose again!
Oh, God, I hate Iosing.
Hurry, before he says it again.
No, no, no. No more drinking.
No more drinking. You win.
You win.
I win? Oh, yeah?
WeII, good. Then I'm coIIecting.
Come on. I want to be dangerous.
Where we going?
Where are we going?
Say it, MichaeI.
Say it?
I won't do it unIess you say it.
I'm sorry. I'm having a IittIe bit of
troubIe concentrating here.
What is it exactIy you want me to say?
You know.
Those three...
Those three IittIe words.