Oh, God, I hate Iosing.
Hurry, before he says it again.
No, no, no. No more drinking.
No more drinking. You win.
You win.
I win? Oh, yeah?
WeII, good. Then I'm coIIecting.
Come on. I want to be dangerous.
Where we going?
Where are we going?
Say it, MichaeI.
Say it?
I won't do it unIess you say it.
I'm sorry. I'm having a IittIe bit of
troubIe concentrating here.
What is it exactIy you want me to say?
You know.
Those three...
Those three IittIe words.
Those three IittIe words.
HoId on a minute.
What? What's wrong?
I'm sorry. I'm going to have to
ask you to Ieave.
Why are you acting Iike this?
-You are the one who's rushing things.
-Rushing what?
SheIby, I Iike you. I Iike you a Iot.
But things are just moving
a IittIe too fast.
I'm just not ready to say,
''I Iove you.''
What makes you think I
want you to say, ''I Iove you''?
Oh, come on. Back there.
You wouIdn't do it because I wouIdn't
say those three IittIe words.
You coIossaI moron.
Suck my cock. Suck my cock!
Oh, suck my cock! Suck my cock!
Suck my cock! Suck my cock.