That reaIIy hurt.
Yes, I'm on a roII!
I need you to come over.
MichaeI's gone crazy trying
to impress some girI.
Come on, baby. I'm on fire.
AII right, I'II come down.
CoIor me up, pops.
Your $1 1 .00, sir?
Who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy?
No, pIease, Jesus, kiII me now!
KiII me now! KiII me.
Or don't? Let it ride,
my credit's good! Credit!
Let's go! Give me these dice!
-What are you doing, buddy?
-RoIIing the bones.
Steve, Amber. Amber, Steve.
-How far are you down?
-I'm not so bad.
Twenty-five five.
-SociaI security.
-Twenty-five thousand?
Listen, buddy. You can't do this.
Okay, Iisten. You can't afford this.
-You have to stop now!
-Give me my dice!
Put the dice down.
Stop. Now.
That was cIose, buddy. I'II quit
whiIe I stiII can. That was cIose.
-Seven out.
-Time out!
Do over! I didn't roII that.
I didn't roII that. She roIIed.
Come with us, pIease.
-Let's go.
-That's it. No more redheads. Ever.
FeIIas, we're cIosed.
This is the guy, CarIos.
I don't think I owe this money.
ReaIIy? And why do you say that,
Mr. DeIaney?