Forget it, paI.
She's onIy interested in high roIIers.
Hard six! Let's go! We need
a hard six! We got a shooter!
-Long and hard six. Let's go.
-No more bets.
Two trades, go a Iong way.
Here we go, we got a shooter.
-We got a roIIer! Hard six!
That hurt.
That hurt.
I'm in! We got a shooter! Let's go!
I'm in. I'm Ietting it ride!
No more bets.
EIeven! Winner, winner,
chicken dinner.
Oh, God, no. No touching!
No touching.
That reaIIy hurt.
Yes, I'm on a roII!
I need you to come over.
MichaeI's gone crazy trying
to impress some girI.
Come on, baby. I'm on fire.
AII right, I'II come down.
CoIor me up, pops.
Your $1 1 .00, sir?
Who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy?
No, pIease, Jesus, kiII me now!
KiII me now! KiII me.
Or don't? Let it ride,
my credit's good! Credit!
Let's go! Give me these dice!
-What are you doing, buddy?
-RoIIing the bones.
Steve, Amber. Amber, Steve.
-How far are you down?
-I'm not so bad.
Twenty-five five.
-SociaI security.
-Twenty-five thousand?