Is this hypotheticaI?
Because my birthday's soon.
Any woman. HypotheticaI.
-Not Judy Jetson.
-WeII, then, I'm out.
Who's yours?
If I couId fuck any woman in the whoIe
worId, it'd be her.
That's why I married her.
I'm gIad you didn't write
your own vows.
Trish and I have this deep connection,
you know?
She understands what I'm feeIing
without my having to teII her.
It's Iike I found this huge spirituaI
side to myseIf that...
...I didn't even know existed.
Last week I had sex with twins.
Okay, you win.
Oh, can I get a Heineken?
Forget it, paI.
She's onIy interested in high roIIers.
Hard six! Let's go! We need
a hard six! We got a shooter!
-Long and hard six. Let's go.
-No more bets.
Two trades, go a Iong way.
Here we go, we got a shooter.
-We got a roIIer! Hard six!
That hurt.
That hurt.
I'm in! We got a shooter! Let's go!
I'm in. I'm Ietting it ride!
No more bets.
EIeven! Winner, winner,
chicken dinner.
Oh, God, no. No touching!
No touching.