What happened?
-I'm screwed, that's what happened.
-AII right, where are you?
I just Iost 51 ,000 doIIars.
If I don't get it in a month,
I'm buzzard feed.
They'II kiII me.
Jesus. I wish we couId give you
the money...
...but we put our cash into the house.
And we've borrowed against it
to set up Steve's practice...
...which expIains why the wedding of
my dreams cost $280.
What are you doing?
Have you seen my fIip-fIops?
You know anybody who'II Ioan you
the money?
No, baby, Iisten.
If you want us to stop seeing other
peopIe, what the heII? Let's try it.
It might heIp us reach a deeper IeveI
of togetherness...
...and you know, bring us
cIoser together.
Yeah. Okay. Sure.
Yeah, me too. AII right,
kiss-kiss. Okay, bye.
Your sister is driving me nuts.
Okay, we're here.
What you're going to go for is a nice,
smooth stroke. Okay?
Swing back.
-There you go.
-How's that?
Okay. WeII, we'II keep trying, okay?
Let's work on your form.
You'II get it. No probIem.
AII right, Yoshi.
Keep your head down.
Keep your head down. Remember?
Grip and rip, dude. Grip and rip.
-KyIe, what's going on?
What are you doing here?
I'm just hitting the Iinks with
some of the feIIas.
You want a ride?
Sure. FeIIas, I'II meet you at
the 1 9th hoIe for a Heineken.
So you're serious about
this girI, huh?
Remember what we said about screwing
every woman in the worId?