Yeah, me too. AII right,
kiss-kiss. Okay, bye.
Your sister is driving me nuts.
Okay, we're here.
What you're going to go for is a nice,
smooth stroke. Okay?
Swing back.
-There you go.
-How's that?
Okay. WeII, we'II keep trying, okay?
Let's work on your form.
You'II get it. No probIem.
AII right, Yoshi.
Keep your head down.
Keep your head down. Remember?
Grip and rip, dude. Grip and rip.
-KyIe, what's going on?
What are you doing here?
I'm just hitting the Iinks with
some of the feIIas.
You want a ride?
Sure. FeIIas, I'II meet you at
the 1 9th hoIe for a Heineken.
So you're serious about
this girI, huh?
Remember what we said about screwing
every woman in the worId?
I'm haIfway there.
One or two chicks at a time.
That's okay. Keep it.
I've got more in the bag.
She's nothing to me, dude.
Two things I hate:
Chicks who want commitment...
...and asshoIes who want
to borrow money.
-I'm okay.
-We just ran over your girIfriend.
Man, do not say that word.
What did you want to taIk to me about?
-I just missed you.
-Don't go aII faggy on me.
You shouId see the Iook on your face.
I'm totaIIy kidding, man.
So you've never even come cIose
to faIIing in Iove.
No, no, never.
WeII, maybe once.
NataIie. She was a bridesmaid
at Max's wedding.
She was amazing. l took her to
a bluff out in Malibu.
We talked all night.
We made Iove in the morning
at sunrise.
She feeI asIeep in my arms.
It was incredibIe.