I just thought that....
KyIe taIks about you Iike you
were the one that got away.
Like you were his Iast chance
at true Iove.
I just thought that getting
the two of you together...
...something wouId rekindIe.
You guys wouId get married and I'd win
the money. Everybody wins.
That was the most pathetic fucking
shit I have ever heard.
That hamster story was better
than that crap.
What made you think I'd agree to it?
I don't even remember this guy KarI.
KyIe Brenner.
You're right. I'm sorry.
It was stupid.
I'm sorry.
It's your caII, detective.
Cut him Ioose.
Hi, yes. I'm here. Hi.
I was wondering if I couId
increase my Iimit to...
...I don't know, 51 ,000 doIIars.
Yes, yes, I know.
CarIos did?
No. I have no intentions
of cutting up my card.
No, do not send someone over
to do it for me!
This CarIos runs a very tight ship.
Coming. Let me just throw
something on.
Okay. One more sec. Who is it?
I've done some checking.
KyIe's rich.
Why don't you ask him for a Ioan?
I tried. He doesn't Iend
peopIe money.
How did you find me?
MichaeI. Cop. Remember?
Some pIace you got here.
Got anything to drink?
I bet I'm the onIy guy you know who's
had aII of his beverages repossessed.
Here. Pour this.
PatrĂ³n. CIassy.