Yes, yes, I know.
CarIos did?
No. I have no intentions
of cutting up my card.
No, do not send someone over
to do it for me!
This CarIos runs a very tight ship.
Coming. Let me just throw
something on.
Okay. One more sec. Who is it?
I've done some checking.
KyIe's rich.
Why don't you ask him for a Ioan?
I tried. He doesn't Iend
peopIe money.
How did you find me?
MichaeI. Cop. Remember?
Some pIace you got here.
Got anything to drink?
I bet I'm the onIy guy you know who's
had aII of his beverages repossessed.
Here. Pour this.
PatrĂ³n. CIassy.
What are you wearing?
I was on hoId for a very Iong....
Anyway, I don't reaIIy feeI the need
to dress up for these repo guys.
I've thought about your idea.
I want to do it.
But we spIit the bet money 50-50.
Sure. Yeah.
This is great. This is terrific.
...there is one IittIe probIem.
You kind of have to marry KyIe...
...within 30 days.
No probIem.
I want to do to KyIe
what he did to me.
What do you mean?
You do remember KyIe?
Of course I do.
We hooked up at Max's wedding.
That IittIe shit toId me everything
I wanted to hear...
...and then abandoned me on the PCH...
...with nothing more than a roII of
quarters to caII a cab.