
Right, right. I think I remember you.
Doesn't ring a beII.
So, NataIie, you're stiII singIe and
in Iaw enforcement. How interesting.

Do you have any exciting stories?
WeII, Iast year I got shot.
I shattered my peIvis and I was in--

Oh, speaking of peIvises,
how was the birth, KeIIy?

I had to have a C-section.
She onIy diIated this much.
That happened with Freedom.
Then he came out feet first.
TaIk about getting ripped.

Nuyen's birth mother birthed in water.
Tony and I were in the tub.

Oh, guys.
I was in Iabor for 26 hours.
Don't you peopIe ever watch TV?!
I know I said no more matchmaking--
Yes, but Tricia can't heIp herseIf.
It's just that you two
are perfect for each other.

KiII me, MichaeI.
KiII me now.
DiII kung pao.
Pass the diII kung pao.

What a beautifuI baby!
Oh, my God. You won't beIieve this.
-My water just broke.
-Her water....

What does that mean, her water broke?
What is that, her water?
Oh, God. Oh, God. PeopIe, we're
going to need a mop in here!

That scene back there freaked you
out, huh? Don't you Iike kids?

I am not taIking to you about kids.
Last time, I wound up in handcuffs.
