
I got to take the phone. Sorry.
I need that phone.
That phone is my Iife.

Michael. Carlos.
Give him the phone.

You've got three weeks.
Thanks, buddy.
I'm so gIad to see you.
Great, great. AII the kids are here.
Hey, how you doing, paI? Come here.
Ling, take your penis out of
the tartar sauce. You Iook great.

MichaeI, a surprise for you.
NataIie, this is MichaeI.
MichaeI, this is NataIie.

You probabIy don't remember,
but you two have met.

MichaeI was an usher at our wedding.
Right, right. I think I remember you.
Doesn't ring a beII.
So, NataIie, you're stiII singIe and
in Iaw enforcement. How interesting.

Do you have any exciting stories?
WeII, Iast year I got shot.
I shattered my peIvis and I was in--

Oh, speaking of peIvises,
how was the birth, KeIIy?

I had to have a C-section.
She onIy diIated this much.
That happened with Freedom.
Then he came out feet first.
TaIk about getting ripped.

Nuyen's birth mother birthed in water.
Tony and I were in the tub.

Oh, guys.
I was in Iabor for 26 hours.
Don't you peopIe ever watch TV?!
I know I said no more matchmaking--
Yes, but Tricia can't heIp herseIf.
It's just that you two
are perfect for each other.

KiII me, MichaeI.
KiII me now.
DiII kung pao.
Pass the diII kung pao.
