Come on, you IittIe rodeo gaI.
Here's how it's gonna go.
We're not having sex...
In fact, I don't know when
we're going to have sex.
I'm not Iike aII the other girIs.
But I promise you, KyIe,
you've never had a girI Iike me.
AII right.
Better take care of that.
This is kind of about me, right?
Who'II take care of me better than me?
And you knew that!
We got a future together, baby.
AII right. Here we go.
Ooh, I am going to hurt you tonight.
MichaeI. Yeah, it's me.
-l need you to meet me right away.
-Name a pIace.
Somewhere KyIe wouId never stumbIe
across us in a miIIion years.
Thanks for meeting me.
-Are you aII right?
-I'm fine.
I'm faIIing for KyIe.
He's actuaIIy pretty sweet.
Sweet? The guy screws women whiIe
they're barfing!