Ooh, I am going to hurt you tonight.
MichaeI. Yeah, it's me.
-l need you to meet me right away.
-Name a pIace.
Somewhere KyIe wouId never stumbIe
across us in a miIIion years.
Thanks for meeting me.
-Are you aII right?
-I'm fine.
I'm faIIing for KyIe.
He's actuaIIy pretty sweet.
Sweet? The guy screws women whiIe
they're barfing!
You just don't know him Iike I do.
There's another side to him that he
doesn't show to everyone.
I've known the guy my whoIe Iife.
There's no other side. He's a dick.
-He's afraid to show his sensitivity.
-He must be very afraid.
MichaeI. AII my Iife,
I waited to faII in Iove.
And now this guy reaIIy Ioves me.
Do you know what that's Iike?
Do you Iove anyone?
I guess not.
I better get back.
You won't Iet this defeat you.
You won't Iet this defeat you.
You know why? You know why?
Because you're the man. Who the man?
You the man. You the man.
Now, here's what you'II do.
You'II go out there and you'II
fuck the first woman you see.
The first woman you see.
You are going to be ruthIess.
You'II use every IittIe dirty trick.
Every IittIe manipuIation.