Every Iie you know! You know why?
Because you the man! Now get her.
The first woman you see.
The first woman you see.
The second woman you see.
The second woman you see.
This is aImost too easy.
Where wouId I bring an overdue book?
I'II take that.
l have always loved books.
And so I started studying Iibrary
science at Luther CoIIege and....
Oh, I'm sorry. I've been going on
and on and on about myseIf aII night.
Oh, this is so embarrassing.
It's such a treat when you meet
a woman who's so honest and direct.
-You're making me bIush.
-You're sweet.
GoIIy, stop it.
This is me.
It was nice to meet you, JiII.
Oh, thank you.
It was reaIIy sweet of you to Iet me
pick the restaurant out tonight.
Oh, pIease, I Iove sushi.
Good night.
Good night.
I was wondering....
I mean, this isn't how I--