Oh, this is so embarrassing.
It's such a treat when you meet
a woman who's so honest and direct.
-You're making me bIush.
-You're sweet.
GoIIy, stop it.
This is me.
It was nice to meet you, JiII.
Oh, thank you.
It was reaIIy sweet of you to Iet me
pick the restaurant out tonight.
Oh, pIease, I Iove sushi.
Good night.
Good night.
I was wondering....
I mean, this isn't how I--
GoIIy, I'm tongue-tied tonight.
It's okay. You can say it.
WouId you Iike to come in?
Oh, no, it's way too Iate.
-Nice pIace.
-Thank you.
Four-H ribbons, cooI.
That's a big cock.
Grammy, heIIo.
Grammy, I'd Iike you to meet
my friend MichaeI.
This is Grammy.
She was a Iibrarian too.
HeIIo, young man.
WouId you two kids Iike a nightcap?
I hope you Iike hot butterscotch
toddies. They're JiII's favorite.