That's very good.
Very good.
Where you going?
Kitchen. Gonna get
something sweet.
Honey, there's a ceIIo
in the fridge.
What did you say?
I said,
''There's JeII-O in the fridge.''
I consider it my duty
as a first step to ask you...
to take some time...
revisit your true feeIings
for each other...
and consider the gravity
of this step...
you're about to take.
I think that's a good idea.
Don't you?
-OK, I'm finished.
Let's move on.
AII right. Now...
I have here a compIete Iist
of aII your possessions...
reaI estate, securities,
East Hampton house...
Mississippi house,
art objects, et cetera.
AII of which
are in your name.
Who advised you on this?
You did.
Right. Except for one item.
A cabin in Sun VaIIey.
WeII, it's near
Sun VaIIey, reaIIy.
It's not near
Sun VaIIey, Griffin.
It's in Sun VaIIey.
How do you wish
to dispose of it?
He can have it.
Thank you.
Both day and night
And night and day
You're gonna see a Iot of me
-What are you thinking?
-I'm thinking women know.
Women know?
I knew that this
was gonna happen.
I knew it.
You want to be honest
about this whoIe thing?
You want to just put it
out on the tabIe?
I knew when we came here
that very first time.
I knew it was over.