So what you feeI...
How'd you make out?
With Griffin--how'd it go?
Fine. Just fine.
He's gonna do
what's best.
For who?
For everybody concerned:
Mona, for himseIf...
No. Hey, don't do that, pIease.
I was watching.
-You were sIeeping.
-No, I wasn't.
Your eyes were cIosed.
I was watching
through my eyeIids.
-You're very strange.
-Yes, I am, aren't I?
But strange is good, isn't it?
Sometimes, yeah.
Oh, that's what he was
saying on the teIevision.
He was saying that
about new buiIdings.
That they work best when they're
a combination of the new--
no, not the new,
I mean the strange.
Strange and famiIiar.
Strange and famiIiar.
-PhiIip Johnson.
New buiIdings Iike
oId reIationships.
That's very good.
Very good.
Where you going?
Kitchen. Gonna get
something sweet.
Honey, there's a ceIIo
in the fridge.
What did you say?
I said,
''There's JeII-O in the fridge.''
I consider it my duty
as a first step to ask you...
to take some time...
revisit your true feeIings
for each other...
and consider the gravity
of this step...
you're about to take.
I think that's a good idea.
Don't you?
-OK, I'm finished.
Let's move on.
AII right. Now...
I have here a compIete Iist
of aII your possessions...
reaI estate, securities,
East Hampton house...
Mississippi house,
art objects, et cetera.
AII of which
are in your name.