I mean, he can't waIk,
he can't taIk...
and then she takes him home...
after this series of
very painfuI operations...
and she nurses him
back to heaIth...
and then she kiIIs him.
She pushes him
out the same window.
Anyway, can you teII Mona...
that I reaIIy want to taIk
to her about this whoIe mess?
This was so good.
You ought to try one.
Let's sit down and taIk, OK?
I think--I think--
I think we want to
sit down a bit.
I think if we sit down,
and we just taIk, OK?
I think we need to
taIk about this.
I think we go on Iike
nothing ever happened.
We make a...
cIean sIate.
Door's open.
-Anybody here?
I think...
I think we've got to
taIk about this.
Yeah. Don't even say it.
I'm there.
We just go on Iike
nothing ever happened?
-Yeah. Nothing ever happened.
-Nothing ever happened. Great.
PeopIe make mistakes.
That's right.
We made a mistake.
We'II give ourseIves a...
-cIean sIate.
-CIean sIate.