Door's open.
-Anybody here?
I think...
I think we've got to
taIk about this.
Yeah. Don't even say it.
I'm there.
We just go on Iike
nothing ever happened?
-Yeah. Nothing ever happened.
-Nothing ever happened. Great.
PeopIe make mistakes.
That's right.
We made a mistake.
We'II give ourseIves a...
-cIean sIate.
-CIean sIate.
Oh, my God.
It's EIIie.
Get up. Get up.
Go in the bedroom.
Oh, yeah.
Hi. Hi.
Mona, Porter's
having an affair.
How'd you find that out?
Somebody caIIed me.
-A friend.
What kind of
friend is that?
He's having a affair
with a musician.
Oh, a musician.
-A ceIIist.
-That's not possibIe.
-Let me get you a cup of coffee.
-I don't know what I'm gonna do.
This is just beyond beIief.