Town & Country

Oh, my God.
It's EIIie.

Get up. Get up.
Go in the bedroom.
Oh, yeah.
Hi. Hi.

Mona, Porter's
having an affair.


How'd you find that out?
Somebody caIIed me.
-A friend.

What kind of
friend is that?

He's having a affair
with a musician.

Oh, a musician.

-A ceIIist.
-That's not possibIe.

-Let me get you a cup of coffee.
-I don't know what I'm gonna do.

This is just beyond beIief.
You know something?
I'm being paid back...

for being so damn smug
about my own marriage.

I am so sorry, Mona.
I wasn't very understanding...

of what you were going
through with Griffin...

but now that it's happening
to me, oh, boy.

Don't be too hard on yourseIf.
-What are you doing here?

I just came to get my things.
WeII, you can't
just waIk in here.

-What do you need?
-I need my sport coats.

Yeah? WeII, you have to caII
me an hour ahead of time.

Now I need to go through Iawyers
just to get my sport coats.

Yes. Otherwise, I'm gonna get
a restraining order on you!

-Oh. For my sport coats?

And my speciaI hangers?
HeIIo, EIIie.
Wait a minute!
Wait! Wait! Get down here.

Let me just teII you something.
This is not a good time.

Oh, Iike this is
a good time for me.

How many times do I have
to be seen driving a van?

Wait a minute.
What do you need?

I need my sport coats
and my speciaI hangers.

AII right.
Stay right there.

Don't come up here.
So, what's new, EIIie?
