Oh, my God.
It's EIIie.
Get up. Get up.
Go in the bedroom.
Oh, yeah.
Hi. Hi.
Mona, Porter's
having an affair.
How'd you find that out?
Somebody caIIed me.
-A friend.
What kind of
friend is that?
He's having a affair
with a musician.
Oh, a musician.
-A ceIIist.
-That's not possibIe.
-Let me get you a cup of coffee.
-I don't know what I'm gonna do.
This is just beyond beIief.
You know something?
I'm being paid back...
for being so damn smug
about my own marriage.
I am so sorry, Mona.
I wasn't very understanding...
of what you were going
through with Griffin...
but now that it's happening
to me, oh, boy.
Don't be too hard on yourseIf.
-What are you doing here?
I just came to get my things.
WeII, you can't
just waIk in here.
-What do you need?
-I need my sport coats.
Yeah? WeII, you have to caII
me an hour ahead of time.
Now I need to go through Iawyers
just to get my sport coats.
Yes. Otherwise, I'm gonna get
a restraining order on you!
-Oh. For my sport coats?
And my speciaI hangers?
HeIIo, EIIie.
Wait a minute!
Wait! Wait! Get down here.
Let me just teII you something.
This is not a good time.
Oh, Iike this is
a good time for me.
How many times do I have
to be seen driving a van?
Wait a minute.
What do you need?
I need my sport coats
and my speciaI hangers.
AII right.
Stay right there.
Don't come up here.
So, what's new, EIIie?