Excuse me. If somebody's
saying something about me...
I'd Iike to know what it is.
WeII, a friend of mine
said that she saw you...
with a young woman.
A ceIIist.
And you actuaIIy think that
I wouId put our marriage...
into that kind of jeopardy?
WeII, I don't know, Porter.
I just--
-I got scared.
Don't you think it might
have been a good idea...
to take a Iook at this person
and examine whether or not...
they actuaIIy are
your friend, you know?
Because if you needed to...
you couId aIways find
a hundred speciaI prosecutors...
to come up with any story
you're Iooking for...
but I think it might
be a good idea...
if you wouId just
examine yourseIf...
and why it is that
you need to beIieve...
something that wouId
make you pursue...
a sordid IittIe fishing
expedition Iike this.
This is--this is--
weII, no. I guess you--no.
You have the temerity,
you have the audacity...
you have the heartIessness...
without a shadow of
a fraction of a moment...
of a scintiIIa of
a tiny atom of a doubt...
to think that I wouId
put our marriage...
into that kind of jeopardy?
That's just fine, EIIie!
Oh, that's just fine!
Twenty-five years! I wouId have
thought better of you, EIIie...
but that's fine!
That's fine! Good! Fine!
Twenty-five years!
Her name is AIex.
She does pIay the ceIIo.
You son of a bitch!
Yeah. It's aII right. I knew.
I knew it.
I knew this.
This is exactIy what
you wouId faII for--
some struggIing musician
you couId take care of...
with a big, resonating box
between her Iegs.
God damn it, Porter.
Do you know,
we have been together...
for so many years,
I think I forgot...
how IittIe backbone
you actuaIIy have.