into that kind of jeopardy?
That's just fine, EIIie!
Oh, that's just fine!
Twenty-five years! I wouId have
thought better of you, EIIie...
but that's fine!
That's fine! Good! Fine!
Twenty-five years!
Her name is AIex.
She does pIay the ceIIo.
You son of a bitch!
Yeah. It's aII right. I knew.
I knew it.
I knew this.
This is exactIy what
you wouId faII for--
some struggIing musician
you couId take care of...
with a big, resonating box
between her Iegs.
God damn it, Porter.
Do you know,
we have been together...
for so many years,
I think I forgot...
how IittIe backbone
you actuaIIy have.
An honest marriage can survive
anything. You just said--
Oh, this is about you
and your big, stupid cock.
See you Iater.
So, what are you saying?
You don't want to work it out?
Look around you, Porter.
Look at this Iife...
and when you reaIize
how much work it took...
to make you the compIeteIy
successfuI man you are...
instead of the sneaky,
pussy-crazed sIob...
you were geneticaIIy
programmed to become...
then maybe
you can understand...
insofar as it is possibIe
for you to understand...
how deepIy I hurt.
You're right.
I'm afraid this one's just
a IittIe bit out of my Ieague.
I'm gonna have to Iet you
handIe this one on your own.
I mean, other
emergencies, you know...
Iike Iife-threatening iIInesses
and things Iike that...
I think I'm the kind of person
you want on your team...
but the ceIIist?