It's more whim than drama.
- Ugo, I must speak to you...
- I have to rush.
We just got the fax from the bank.
The first deposit didn't arrive.
I'm out of cash for the per deums.
They're ready to expIode.
Reservations are disastrous.
OnIy a third of the house.
- What do we do?
- Pray to the Madonna.
Have you seen Miss Renard?
She came in ten minutes ago.
What happened,
CamiIIe, what's wrong?
Forgive me.
That's aII you can say?
I've never seen this.
Leaving before the bow,
opening night...
Even if you didn't Iike it,
it's... insuIting!
- To whom?
- The pubIic, me,
the company, everyone.
I didn't want to insuIt anyone.
I feIt bad, it happens.
That's not enough.