No, I can't.
I'm gIad I saw you.
I was pIeased.
ShaII we kiss?
We kiss.
Your wife is pretty.
A good person.
I printed the Iast modifications.
I was about to reread it,
before dumping it.
Very funny. I read it.
first a kiss.
It's good.
You think so, or is it to encourage me?
To encourage you to sort it out.
How do you find yourseIf in this mess?
And what does it mean,
So, why don't you put ''impassivity''?
''There is a history of impassivity,
''by which man became an animaI
open to the worId, etc...''
It's stiII incomprehensibIe, but Iess...
Less pretentious, you're right.
I'II fix and reprint it?
With the German word in parentheses.
I Iove you.