Va savoir

Very funny. I read it.
first a kiss.
It's good.
You think so, or is it to encourage me?
To encourage you to sort it out.
How do you find yourseIf in this mess?
And what does it mean,
So, why don't you put ''impassivity''?
''There is a history of impassivity,
''by which man became an animaI
open to the worId, etc...''

It's stiII incomprehensibIe, but Iess...
Less pretentious, you're right.
I'II fix and reprint it?
With the German word in parentheses.
I Iove you.
Someone came to see you.
A woman.
What did she want?
She didn't say. To see you.
I think she was... your ex.
Yes, CamiIIe.
In fact, I'm sure of it.
Did she say anything?
Didn't have a chance to taIk.
You don't Iook surprised.
You have aIways seen
these eyes of Cia?

Yes, these eyes!
- They are not the same?
- Yes, the same!

These are the same, not those!
A bit green...

What green, they're bIue!
For you, green.
For you, bIue.
And for Bruno, Iook:
grey, with bIack Iashes.

Even the painter had his word...
''The reaI eyes of Cia''.
Try to define them,
