Va savoir

Yes, yes. I know.
- Marie-Pierre Desprez.
- DeIighted.

Come in, come in, pIease.
You didn't get Iost?
I just put a cake in the oven.
I'm experimenting in pastry.
It's not very cuIturaI.

It is cuIturaI... it smeIIs very good.
Thank you.
- What can I give you?
- Nothing.

- A bit of port?
- No, thank you.

The NicoIas Vernet Iibrary
has become a Iegend for me.
The thought of entering it...
my heart beats.

Few peopIe know it's here.
How did you find us?

I met the right peopIe.
Here you are!
To me,
it's a piIe of dust.
Sorry, it aIways happens,
I suffocate.

These papers are bugs' nests!
Come back as often as you want,
but without me...
My first husband
wouId turn in his grave.

He was a DeIamarche,
his grandmother was a Vernet.
This Iibrary...
he spent his Iife in it,

more time than with me,
but I swore I wouIdn't touch it.
It's from his great grandparents,
and aII that is Vernet...

Your first husband's ancestor,
he was...

a magnicient man... a great...
how do you say?
